A stirring lilac breeze for an alarm or,
alternatively, a morning dove's song
Minimum one, maximum two people
absolutely no minors
Several medium-firm pillows
a well-fluffed quilt, untucked
Two auto-frying eggs and strips of bacon
and auto-toasting toast, buttered, triangular
A large glass of freshly-squeezed (by someone else)
pink grapefruit juice
Espresso served in tiny cups à la volonté
steamed milk upon request
A stout newspaper, of which no more than 50%
can be composed of actual news
Miles Davis "Kind Of Blue" looping
in the background
One pair of loose fitting boxer shorts with t-shirt
one pair of bare feet, regardless of the season
And absolutely, positively
no planning whatsoever
alternatively, a morning dove's song
Minimum one, maximum two people
absolutely no minors
Several medium-firm pillows
a well-fluffed quilt, untucked
Two auto-frying eggs and strips of bacon
and auto-toasting toast, buttered, triangular
A large glass of freshly-squeezed (by someone else)
pink grapefruit juice
Espresso served in tiny cups à la volonté
steamed milk upon request
A stout newspaper, of which no more than 50%
can be composed of actual news
Miles Davis "Kind Of Blue" looping
in the background
One pair of loose fitting boxer shorts with t-shirt
one pair of bare feet, regardless of the season
And absolutely, positively
no planning whatsoever